记录请求 & 文凭重新排序

Academic Transcript Information and Ordering

The official transcript is a student’s complete academic record. The transcript includes semesters of attendance, term by term history of courses enrolled, semester hours awarded and grades earned, 接受转学分, 学位授予, 荣誉名称, and cumulative and term grade point averages. It is considered the complete source of information about academic achievement at the University. The academic transcript may only be released with the specified consent of the student. Hardin-Simmons大学 will officially inform interested parties about individual academic records upon appropriate request and strictly complies with all federal regulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


现在和以前的学生 may order online official transcripts in either secure PDF electronic or paper formats. 成绩单费为 $10 and all major credit cards are accepted (cash payment only is accepted in the 注册处).

现在和以前的学生 may order online through HSU’s document ordering service. You will register and set up an account with Parchment.com and validate your registration one time and be provided a username and password. Click here to order a transcript.

Note: Students who attended HSU prior to Fall of 1988: Transcripts are only available to order in paper format and are not available in electronic PDF format.

The online ordering service also allows requestors to submit other electronic documents to be sent with the transcript (i.e. 申请或简历). Notification by email or text is sent to track the processing of the transcript order. Additional services are available such as express mail, transcript tracking, etc. (see ordering service for additional services and fees).

Official transcripts are not issued until appropriate exit counseling for federal student aid has been completed.

We do not fax transcripts (faxed transcripts are not official and the University cannot ensure confidentiality for any faxed documents).

Electronic Transcript Information

Hardin-Simmons大学 can send official transcripts in an electronic PDF format. These transcripts are considered official documents and can be validated because they have been digitally signed and certified by Hardin-Simmons大学.

A document that contains a digital signature can be immediately validated and when valid displays a blue ribbon on the notification bar across the top of the Adobe® Reader. The blue ribbon symbol is your assurance that the digital signature is valid, 真实的, and the contents of the document have not been altered. When printed, a watermark appears “Copy of Official Transcript.”

The pop-up blue ribbon displays a message that the digital signature is valid; it means that the author of the document is known to the certification authority and the person or institution represented by the digital signature is true and 真实的.

If the document’s digital signature indicates “invalid” it is not 真实的 or the document has been altered. The digital signature could have been revoked for some reason, or the document could have expired. In all cases, a document with an invalid display should be rejected.

There are two possible meanings: The certificate is a self-signed certificate or has been issued by an unknown or untrusted certificate authority and therefore has not been trusted, or the revocation check could not complete. If you receive this message make sure you are properly connected to the internet. If you have a connection and you still cannot validate the digital certificate online, 拒绝此文件.

If you require further information regarding the 真实的ity of a transcript, you may email or call the Transcript Office at Hardin-Simmons大学 at transcripts@humidifierfinder.com or 325-670-1598.

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